



My work in the past has been largely figurative or representational. The work has been characterized by high colour, heavy pattern, and asymmetrical composition. I have mostly worked with paper or canvas using traditional materials and formats.

For the past three years I have been trying to push my work forward into new territory. I have gradually, through a course of work and personal study, begun to free myself of previous constraints. Through that process, I have become interested in the beauty and possibilities of abstraction.

I have also come to realize that I am not as interested in the traditional flat picture plane as I used to be. I have begun to explore a more complex picture space. I am interested in moving my work outwards, forward, and sideways into a less confined space.

I have recently left part-time work as a picture framer to paint full-time. I am interested in incorporating framing devices in some of my work, framing not only picture space, but also the viewing space, to draw attention to sculptural elements in the artworks.

By exploring new materials, formats, and subject matter I have moved towards abstraction and assemblage to create a more emotional and contemplative body of work. I continue to be interested in creating work that relates to history and society, but I wish to express the relationship in a new way. In the series I propose to create, I want each piece in some ways to be referred to as an abstract icon. I hope the viewer will be presented with work that invites a meditative response.

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