Making rubber stamps with erasers.

Fresh erasers.

Fresh erasers.

I’ve been trying to expand my mark making stock by including rubber stamps. The problem is that a lot of rubber stamps tend to be cute, and expensive. So with a few sharp tools, and a few cheap erasers I decided to explore my limited print making skills. Lukily I have a very nice set of lino cutting tools that I bought several years ago from Daniel Smith Art Supplies.

Cut eraser.

Cut eraser.

I’ve  cut a simple skull design. Simple and crude to be truthful.



I use an archival quality ink pad to ink my stamp. The ink is a nice rich black.



I like the rough quality the stamp makes.



I’ve stamped the image onto an unfinished Long Series sheet. My daughter tells me the result is a bit creepy. I’ve a lot of work still to do on this painting, and I have no idea if I’ll like the end result but I enjoyed the experiment. I’ll post the finished painting when it’s completed.